Artica 300x400 Rug

Artica 300x400 Rug

Artica 300x400 Rug

Code: 041805-RARC-10182-1013

Regular Price:


The Artica 300x400 delivers a playful yet chic impression, energizing any interior it's set in. Crafted from soft wool, this captivating rug offers more than just an eye-catching appeal, enhancing the modern design-forward atmosphere of any space it occupies. Set against sleek black or metal furnishings, the Artica 300x400 creates an elegant, tasteful, and exclusive atmosphere.

Product Dimensions: 9''10'' X 13''1'' ft

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Kitsilano Showroom
2025 4th Avenue W
Vancouver, BC V6J 1N3
Phone: (604)-738-0379

Modern Furniture Showroom & Interior Decorating Center

Vancouver Warehouse
Unit 113 - 418 Kent Ave SE
Vancouver, BC V5X 2X7
Phone: (604)-730-037

Canada West Warehouse and Local Customer Pick-Up Center.